Michelle’s Bikini Bootcamp Pricing.


Bikini Bootcamp


March 23rd to May 25th, 2015


Sorry, It’s Full!!!

This is a 10 week boot camp class that will whip you into the best bikini body yet!  This camp will have over all body conditioning with special focus on the booty, waist and shoulders.  We will be doing weight lifting, body weight exercises and cardio all in one to help you get the best bikini bod you have ever had!

This class is full , and the cancellation list full as well SOOOOO…


Don’t forget to sign up for the next BIGGEST LOSER BOOT CAMP #2 starting June 1st as the Bikini Camp filled up within minutes, literally 😉  Dont forget to follow Ma Belle Fitness and Choley’s Fitness on Facebook and keep those eyes open. Don’t miss out.